Twerk out Work Out
Twerk out Work Out
Upcoming Sessions
Cancellation Policy
Acknowledgment of Risk and Health Disclosure I, the undersigned, understand and acknowledge that participation in dance fitness classes involves physical activity, which may include stretching, jumping, twisting, and other movements that could result in injury or physical discomfort. I am voluntarily participating in these activities and assume all risks associated with them, including but not limited to falls, muscle strains, sprains, and other potential injuries. I hereby affirm that: I am in good physical condition and do not suffer from any medical conditions or disabilities that would prevent or limit my participation in dance fitness classes. I have consulted with a physician and have received clearance to participate in physical fitness activities if I have any pre-existing medical conditions. Release of Liability In consideration of being allowed to participate in dance fitness classes, I agree to release, waive, discharge, and hold harmless Ev-E Productions, its instructors, staff, employees, and affiliates from any and all liability, claims, or demands arising from or related to any injury, illness, or other damages that may result from my participation in the classes. This release includes, but is not limited to: Personal injury, illness, or death resulting from participation. Damage to or loss of personal property while attending classes. Photo/Video Release (Optional) I hereby grant permission for Ev-E Productions to use any photographs or video footage taken during the classes for promotional purposes, including but not limited to social media, advertisements, and website content. Cancellation Policy I understand and agree to the cancellation policies set by Ev-E Productions for booking and attendance.
Contact Details
North State Road 434
860 North State Road 434 suite 1002, Altamonte Springs, FL, USA